Eminem’s Recovery is Almost Full

After releasing two previous albums, Encore and Relapse, that were more or less of a dud although still considerably within that Shady ghetto world structure, Eminem is effecting a comeback with his very latest. This time, he can no longer throw in some overly used, I-have-OD’d excuses. And mind you, I mean no pun here.

Up until recently, Eminem has not been quite a regular fixture in the rap world. He sure makes a gazillion of sales out of his constant grandstanding and meticulous belittling but his tracks especially lately have been, well, excruciatingly disappointing. Nowadays, it has been the Drizzy’s and the Lil Wayne’s of the world have been hovering across the rap and Billboard charts. It is as though Shady has been , well, shaded and gone.

With Recovery, Shady has indeed gained yet another notoriety. Not in a value-shocking, I-split-with-my-long-time-manager kind of scheme but rather in a convalescing, maturing standpoint. It redefines Eminem, back in his The Slim Shady days, to keen, convincing, lyrical rap prodigy. It is a proud yet heartfelt collection of proclamation leaning to regret, acceptance, and second chances. With some of the most sought artists nowadays like Rihanna and Lil Wayne in the mend, Shady’s Recovery is bound to cement his ground to stardom. Finally.

These are the official tracks:

1.) Cold Wind Blows – Some things just don’t or shouldn’t change. For sometimes, these things do not change to ascertain lesson in you in the hardest way.

2.) Talkin’ To Myself feat Kobe – Shady’s version of his melancholic plea to his solitude and the glory of being alone.

3.) On Fire – “Cause when you’re hot , it’s like you’re burning up everybody else’s cold”; The implications of being both glorious and notorious.

4.) Won’t Back Down feat Pink – “How you douche bags feel knowing you’re disposable?” Best diss line, hands down.

5.) W.T.P. – Welcome the endorphin-induced Shady in his White Trash Party. Yeah, you are reading it right, it’s endorphin not the....

6.) Goin Thru Changes – Eminem at his most vulnerable track yet. With Ozzy-luring hooks, the song’s deliberation on losing someone while moving on is all the more realized. Best Line: “I’m hating my reflection, I’m walking round the house to fight mirrors....”

7.) Not Afraid – Shady’s Recovery 101. Now, of course, for you to recover, you must first submit yourself to acceptance. Eminem’s way of proclaiming that being through the ringer is an opportunity in disguise to prove them that you can bounce from a tribulation.

8.) Seduction – Verbal pyrotechnics at its most Shady. “ Cause one minute she loves you, the next she don’t” Beware. This track might bring verbal copulation in you.

9.) No Love feat Lil Wayne – By far the most intense and most felt track. With hate, you’ll also heap the same treatment in the future.

10.) Spacebound – “I’m a spacebound rocketship and your heart’s the moon/ and I’m aimin’ right at you.” Serenading a lost love while still being nostalgic.

11.) Cinderella Man – Not blowing your second chance when it presented itself. And as it is suggesting, Shady didn’t. If you know what I mean.

12.) 25 to Life – The track which realistically suggested that regret can also be felt and expressed while being true to yourself that reconciliation is, sadly, almost quite too late.

13.) So Bad – “Same shit, different toilet.” And what could be more poignant than that?

14.) Almost Famous – Admitting defeat is a starting point to hatch yet another meaningful feat.

15.) Love The Way You Lie – Taking Shady’s love back at his most masochistic of ways. Please mind Rihanna’s hooks.

16.) You’re Never Over – Missing Doodi must be really tough for Eminem. Missing someone who is just that special doesn’t stop in this track.

17.) Untitled – “Me I’m always shitting diarrhea of the mouth ‘till your speakers crap out fart, ‘Oops,What?’” There’s a reason why Eminem has been known for his rhymes. You can hear that in this track.

Now while Eminem can be, at times, really nasty to the point of being gratuitous, his latest reveal that is Recovery, is without a doubt, maturing at its most. It is a welcoming helluva of de’ja vusthat was Slim Shady, that will guarantee both the hardcore fans and rap aficionados the quality that they deserve. It is really an effective comeback that is now making a crack. Now, there’s a pun that’s intended here.

Recovery Rating – Sizzle

Eminem’s Recovery is currently at the top of Billboard 200 with over a million copies in a span of two weeks

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